

Growing up, I was a metal head. It was always my dream to have long hair. Since I attended Catholic school, with a rather strict dress code, long hair was not an option for me. I tried a couple of times, with little success, to grow my hair out.

skippy with long hair

During my senior year of high school, knowing that I would soon be into college and free of dress codes, I decided to grow my hair out. By the time I started OSU, I had a pretty good start.

OSU student ID

My hair grew pretty quickly, but unfortunately gravity never took over so my hair literally grew out. In the spring of my freshman year of college I participated in the OSU Renaissance Festival. I appeared on the cover of the Dispatch’s Weekender. I leave it as an exercise to the reader to identify me in the photo. Click to embiggen.

skippy at the OSU Renaissance Festival

Shortly after that photo was taken I got my hair cut short, and have kept it relatively short ever since. Every six months or so I’ll think “I wonder what I would look like with long hair” and try for a couple months to grow my hair out. Every time the same thing happens, much to my disappointment: I realize how silly I look and grumblingly visit my barber.

Interestingly, the same thing happens with my (lack of) beard. I’ve always wanted to grow a big Grizzly Adams beard, so that I could shave off the chin and have handsome mutton chops connected to a mustache (yes, I want to look like Lemmy from Motörhead!). Alas, I can go months without shaving and most people can’t even see that I’m working on a beard.

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