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I turned in my two week notice to $employer yesterday, and the official announcement was circulated throughout the company today.

I have accepted a position within the Ohio State University, and I’ll start Monday, Februrary 27.

I am a bit remorseful about leaving my current job: they’ve been super flexible with me and my family, and the people there are all top-notch. But I’ve been a big fish in a small pond: the only on-site technical person responsible for anything you turn on or plug in. It’s been a bit lonely at times, not being able to talk shop with peers or collaborate with someone to solve a tricky problem. The new job will have me working directly with another person, and there will be loads of people on campus with whom I can network and commiserate. I’ll be a small fish in a very large pond.

My new department is currently building a facility for themselves, so they’re using temporary office space off campus. These offices are 1.2 miles from my house, so I’ll be able to walk to work for quite some time. Even when the new building is complete, I’ll be able to bike comfortably, since campus is only a few miles south of our house.

(Any recommendations for excellent podcasts? I’m addicted to Escape Pod, but they only update once or twice a week, and I listen to them almost right away! I need a variety of material to keep my iPod Shuffle in use on the upcoming walk to and from work!)

I’m eager to work on (or, for the time being at least, near) campus – I’ve always loved the OSU campus. And being on campus, I’ll be able to listen to Brother Jed whenever I want! ;)

Wish me luck!

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