Subscribe2 2.1.6


Subscribe2 version 2.1.6 is now available!

This version fixes some more mail header issues, introduces one new feature, and slightly changes the way that mail is delivered.

If you have selected to send excerpts instead of full posts in the update notification, and there is no excerpt, subscribe2 will take any text before a <!–more–> tag and use that as an excerpt. If there is no <!–more–> tag then subscribe2 will send nothing, assuming that if you wanted to send the whole post that you should bloody well select that in the options. ;)

Remember that the excerpt that subscribe2 uses is not automatically generated. You must manually compose the excerpt if you want to use one.

Version 2.1.6 also switches mail delivery from PHP’s mail() function to the WordPress wrapper function wp_mail(). For most people, this will not result in any change whatsoever to the functioning of my plugin. But for those struggling with mail delivery issues, they can use Scott Reilly’s excellent wpPHPmailer plugin, which allows WordPress to speak SMTP directly to a mail server, instead of using the server’s sendmail command-line utility for mail delivery. I have tested subscribe2 with wpPHPmailer, and can confirm that it works quite well (at least for me!).

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